Monday, July 21, 2008

This Weekyy

Work This week will be kind of an awkard week my Hours are all bent out of shape.
Crazy thought but thats alright. I have to work August 3rd and do Truck which is us getting our stock of food and everything else we need. My Life update for now
God Bless

Friday, July 18, 2008

Last night

Worship Night went well for the most part I invited a few other youtth groups but they didnt show up but thats ok. It was really good worship for the most part
I hope those who were there enjoyed it I would like to have some feed back so if you were there please leave a comment it would be much aprreciated. ttyl
God Bless

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm Back

I am finally back into the blogging world? Monday of this week I went to Terra to Scheduel Classes well I Hav eot wait until I meet with my instructor for My Major.
My Major was going to be police science but my advisor that i was working with told me that it would be better for me to take Criminal justice because thats for people who are not mainly going to be a police officer but more than a police officer like I am going to be a Crime Scene Technician Which is different from a Crime Scene Investigator. A Crime scene technician is the peson who at the crime scene collects all of the evidence which will be my job. A Crime Scene Investigator Investigate the murder or what ever crime was committed and catch the criminal who committed the crime. Also while I was at Terra I got my college I.D. Which I am happy about I'm glad I got that now. I Have worked my first three days of the week my next day to work is Saturday 4:30 to 1:00 Oh yeah that is my favorite shift to work Because the day goes so much quicker
Tonight is our worship night and well i am very nervous I hope a good number shows Up I am not expecting to much but more than just our youth group I have invited to other youth groups and my youth leader have invited A.G. so I hope everything turns out well.
Thats all for me for know
God Bless