Sunday, July 8, 2007

THE CALL!!!!/Trip

The Call was truly amazing but I'm not going to same much about it you will have to wait and hear what i thought for Sunday but Thursday when we first got there the guys we put up the tent and got tent arrangements set up then Me K.W. H.D D.D. M.B. B.H. B.K and J.R.D. went to the Uncle Jim's and his wife but i don't remember her name and then me J.R.D. M.B. B.H. and B.K.went out on the gator we had a good time then we came back took the little ones out for a ride we came back at ate then we went then we went and worshiped around the fire which i enjoyed Snipe hunting ERR (angry sound) that aggravated me but i got over it. Then the guys went back to our camp and fell asleep. Friday we had the choice of going tubing or going to the corvette museum. me D.D.B.H. M.B. and our youth leader B.H. K.W. H.D.B.K. C.K. D.W. I think that is all who went tubing. When me and the four guys came back we had lunch and then we went out on the gator for awhile we had fun on that and went to the cave went down in a little ways wasn't aloud to go to far though but that's alright it was still really cool figuratively and literally and then we went back to the farm picked up the little ones went out with them and picked up some stones for The Pastors Families garden. Then we went back to the farm rested for awhile later on went and got some ice cream then after words we went back out on the gator but not for long and then every one who went tubing were back so i talked to K.W. about her time while we were waiting for food to be done and i showed her my pics of the Corvette museum and then we ate and then we all had a prayer meeting about The Call which Was on Saturday. Not Last But not least THE CALL WHOOOOOOOO YEAH LOVED IT. The worship was very very intense and i liked it a lot cool thing was Michael W. Smith was their and didn't now it until after the fact he sang my two favorite songs by him which was Healing Rain and Angus Dei My two favorite worships songs he has well any way Lou Engal the most amazing guy i got the privilege to listen to him he had no matter what he always had something good to say one thing which is kind of funny about him That man right there is Jhoping 24/7 when he speaks But i did find this out he started JHOP and the 22 word prayer we say in church and if you can imagine this it all came from a doctor Seuss book but my other youth leader L.W. could tell you about the book more than me and Dutch Sheets who i also have a lot of respect for spoke a little bit about the significance of 7/7/07 which was very cool and well i better stop talking because i got a lot more to share on Sunday and i do mean a lot but hopefully i can speak all of it because i really feel that it is important to share all of it but i will pray about it and see how much I'm suppose to share. I miss the rest of the guys who didn't come back they stayed a little longer well that is all for now hope you feel like reading this really long post and on a side not the Initial are every one in my youth group if you don't now who I'm talking about ask me in person because i know Lillie doesn't want her children's real name on the net so i put everyone initials all for now


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